
9.00 - 9:30

Registration, networking, tea and coffee

9.30 - 10:00

Welcome from the chair

Ivan Yates, Broadcaster and former Minister for Agriculture

Ministerial Address

Minister of State Martin Heydon, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Opening remarks from the host

Dr. Anne Marie Henihan, Centre Director, DPTC

10.00 - 10.30 

Advancing the Circular Bioeconomy: Innovations and Future Directions in Dairy Processing - Research Showcase

An overview of the latest research on the circular bioeconomy within the dairy processing and technology sector. This session will explore the current status quo, recent advancements, and future ambitions

  • Dairy Processing Technology Centre
    Vincent O’Flaherty, Professor of Microbiology, University of Galway and CSO and Co-Founder, GlasPort Bio

  • BiOrbic – Farm Zero C: The role of green biorefinery in a sustainable dairy model
    James Gaffey, Co-Director CircBio Research Group, Munster Technological University

  • InformBio: Visioning sustainable and resilient dairy exports
    David Styles, Associate Professor Agri Sustainability, University of Galway

10.30 - 10.50

Innovative Flagships: Pioneering Solutions for Dairy in the Circular Bioeconomy

Flagship projects can help to address complex challenges in the circular bioeconomy. This session will explore two such initiatives: the national multi-purpose bioeconomy pilot facility at Lisheen, which transforms biomass residues into high-value products, and the EIT Climate KIC - Dairy Flagship, focused on sustainable dairy production. The following panel discussion will explore how these projects can move us beyond the current status quo and drive systemic change.

  • National Multi-purpose Bioeconomy Pilot Facility at Lisheen: Scaling the bioeconomy together
    Stephen Napier, CEO, Irish Bioeconomy Foundation (IBF)

  • Climate KIC Dairy Flagship
    Stewart Gee, Designer Producer Ireland Agri-Food Deep Demonstration

10.50 - 11.30

Panel Discussion: Future Innovation Requirements to Support the Irish Dairy Sector Achieve Sustainability and Circular Goals

  • Prof. Vincent O’Flaherty – University of Galway

  • James Gaffey, CircBio Research Group

  • Prof. David Styles, University of Galway

  • Stephen Napier, Irish Bioeconomy Foundation

  • Stewart Gee, EIT Climate KIC - Dairy Flagship

11.30 - 12.00

Coffee Break, Exhibition Viewing and Networking

12.00 - 12.30

Road Map for Ireland – Decarbonising Irish Dairy through the adoption of Circular Practices

Speaker to be confirmed

12.30 - 13.15

Unlocking Potential: Policy Support for the Dairy Sector in the Circular Economy

This session will explore how strategic policies can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, and promote sustainability within the dairy industry. The panel experts will share insights on current policies and future directions to maximise the sector’s potential, including ways to enhance understanding and implementation for maximum impact.

  • Conor Mulvihill, Director, Dairy Industry Ireland

  • PJ McCarthy, CEO, Renewable Gas Forum Ireland

  • Matthew Halpin, Bioeconomy Development and Implementation Group, DAFM / Irish Bioeconomy Forum

  • Dr Keristena Grewan, Head of ESG Reporting, Ornua

13.15 - 14.15


14.15 - 15.15

Navigating Opportunities and Challenges in the Circular Bioeconomy for Dairy Farmers and Processors

While there are numerous opportunities, dairy farmers and processors face significant challenges in harnessing the circular bioeconomy. This panel discussion addresses the potential benefits of adopting circular practices and the obstacles that must be addressed. Our panel of experts will provide valuable insights and experiences to help navigate this complex landscape.

  • John Brosnan, Bioeconomy Executive, ICOS

  • Professor J.J. Leahy, Chemical Sciences, University of Limerick

  • Dr. Ciara Beausang, Lead, AD Biomethane Research Group, Teagasc

  • Professor Karina Pierce, School of Agriculture and Food Science, UCD

15.15 - 16.15

Shaping the Future: Market Innovations for a Circular Dairy Economy

This session will consist of a presentation by Dr. John Garvey, followed by a panel discussion. The panel will discuss and share their expertise on how market structures can be optimised to support sustainable practices and innovation in the dairy industry. Our panellists will provide valuable insights into the current market landscape, potential opportunities, and the challenges that need to be addressed to achieve a circular bioeconomy.

Identifying the enabling conditions to unlock mainstream finance for Ireland’s circular economy
Dr John Garvey, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick


  • David Kennedy, Head of Dairy, Bord Bia

  • Lucy Ryan, Head of Food & Beverage Sector, Bank of Ireland

  • Fiona McCabe, Development Advisor, Enterprise Ireland

  • Fiona McAteer, Project Manager, LeBruin Private


Summit ends